Pierce Country Day School's Faculty
Our skilled teaching staff represents who we are as an organization! We are a mixture of tradition, old world values and innovative educational concepts.
Our faculty is a highly dedicated group of professionals who thrive in our early childhood environment. They are a warm, sensitive and creative team that takes great pride in what they do. The educational and social development of our students is clearly their central objective.
In addition to the classroom staff, specialists in music and physical education meet with each class at regularly scheduled times throughout each week to enhance our fine curriculum.
All staff records and credentials are verified, and all staff are subject to background checks cleared through the NY State Central Registry Clearing Office. Annual physicals are also a requirement.
Dr. Alan Goodman, our school psychologist, is available to our staff and parent community as a resource.
Pierce has developed a very extensive professional development program for our faculty. This ongoing professional training provides our staff with the latest information on cutting edge educational development.